8Letters’ Indie Publishing The Write Way Online Workshop

About the same time as the #romanceclassYA workshop, I also joined Indie Publishing The Write Way. It is an online workshop by 8Letters , an amazing boutique bookstore which curates books written by Filipino authors and sells them in cafes and events, headed by Cindy dela Cruz. I know what you must be thinking. Why join … Read more

Writing for #romanceclassYA

I wrote a novella of 35,555 words in 90 days. Repeat 100 times.  Until now I find it hard to believe it myself. But thanks to #romanceclass YA mentors Mina Esguerra, Agay Llanera and Ines B. Yao, I was able to write and finish a novella in just three months! I’ve always been more of … Read more

My ‘Black Love’ won first place at #BookbedFictory 2017!

Disclaimer: There are too many firsts in this post. You have been warned! It was a pleasant surprise for me when my entry, Black Love, won first prize at Bookbed.org‘s very first fiction writing contest held this year. Writing a love story about Philippine mythological creatures like tikbalang (horse demon) and kapre (tree demon) was … Read more