2018: New Title, New Covers

It’s a new year! And I’m welcoming it by revising my books. I got the idea from this article of Joanna Penn, a respected connoisseur in all aspects of self-publishing and more. She has many awesome articles and information for authors and writers, and I just love her.

Being incarcerated at home because of allergies had been somewhat of an advantage for me. It gave me time to revise, edit, and create new covers. Here they are:


The Gangster & The Socialite received the major revamp. Aside from its new cover, I also revised and added to its contents. It now also has a new title: ESCAPE TO LOVE, being Book 1 of Rich Girl (Megan) & Hot Guy (Richard) Adventure Series. The paperback edition on Amazon Kindle will be appearing soon.

So, why the changes? I decided to give The Gangster & The Socialite a new title because, well, this was my first finished novella and it was originally a fan fiction, hence, the cheesy title.

But readers should know that in spite of its humorous tone and movie-script-fast-paced style, it really is a story of finding love in the most unexpected places and with the most unanticipated person in a suspenseful background of crime, murder, and revenge. ESCAPE TO LOVE aptly describes the book since the heroine had to escape from many near-death situations, only to land inescapably straight into the hands of love.

Book 2 will be published soon, entitled, Hunted Honeymoon. There were some readers of Book 1 who do not particularly like insta-love plots. Well, Megan and Richard may have fallen in love fast, but that doesn’t mean what they feel toward each other will not last. I intend to prove that in this series as they come face to face with several crime-related events that will put their relationship to test, and where their love for each other will emerge triumphant, stronger, and more solid. This delightful couple’s adventure has just begun!

The rest of my books just got new covers, which more aptly depict the stories as well.

So, there. Happy 2018!

For more information on my books, click HERE.

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