8Letters’ Indie Publishing The Write Way Online Workshop

C1161D29-28F0-48DD-8881-A86416FD1192About the same time as the #romanceclassYA workshop, I also joined Indie Publishing The Write Way. It is an online workshop by 8Letters , an amazing boutique bookstore which curates books written by Filipino authors and sells them in cafes and events, headed by Cindy dela Cruz.

I know what you must be thinking. Why join two workshops at the same time? But you see, there is no competition with these two. In fact, they complement each other. While #romanceclassYA pushed me to write a novella of 35,555 words in less than three months, 8Letters’ Indie Publishing The Write Way infused me with so much knowledge, information and motivation to self-publish.

I learned many things in 8Letters’ workshop. I learned how to make a better blurb for my novels. Blurb-making has always been hard for me but 8Letters showed me a much easier, detailed way to do it. (I’m still not that impressed about my own blurbs, but at least I’m working on it, having a pattern in mind.) 8Letters also gave ideas of useful templates in connection with publishing, which was what a pantser like me badly needed, providing me with a concise, professional schedule of what should be done in a matter of months.

This workshop, above all, made me feel inspired and motivated to continue self-publishing my stories. 8Letters’ cheery perk-me-up messages and follow-ups, even my fellow classmate’s motivational quotes and thumbs-ups never failed to arouse feelings of renewed self-worth and self-confidence in me, especially in days I needed them the most. It was so great being in the company of people who share and understand your dreams and insecurities, who do not judge but cheer you on as you grope your way into learning things, and who are happy for your achievements, wishing only more better things for you as a writer and an indie author.

All in all, I am extremely satisfied I joined this workshop. I not only acquired the wisdom and skills I needed to self-publish. I also gained a friend or two. And that, I think, is what made 8Letters’ Indie Publishing The Write Way workshop more rewarding.

Want to know more about 8Letters? Sign up for their newsletter HERE. You will not regret it.

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