Speaking before The Greatest Digital Creatives’ seminar on fiction-writing and self-publishing

Last December 15, 2018 at the YDG Coffee Shop in Shaw Blvd., a group of writers and freelancers gathered together for a free seminar on Freelancing and Self-Publishing. Cherrie Ann Balictar, the founder of The Greatest Digital Creatives, invited me to speak about self-publishing and writing fiction.  Admittedly, I was hesitant at first to accept … Read more

Writing for Heist Club PH x Sachet Novels

Update! A Time for Heists romantic suspense collection was formally launched last August 4, 2018 at the iAcademy Nexus campus in Makati, Philippines. Thoughts and photos posted HERE. I always liked challenging myself when it comes to writing fiction. By challenge, I mean trying out new genres or blending them. One such challenge I decided … Read more

8Letters’ Indie Publishing The Write Way Online Workshop

About the same time as the #romanceclassYA workshop, I also joined Indie Publishing The Write Way. It is an online workshop by 8Letters , an amazing boutique bookstore which curates books written by Filipino authors and sells them in cafes and events, headed by Cindy dela Cruz. I know what you must be thinking. Why join … Read more