Review: Another Word for Happy

Review: Another Word for Happy Author: Agay Llanera4.5 out of 5 stars If there is one word to describe this book, it is this: vivid. Agay did a great job of weaving the story of Caleb through an amazing way of showing, not telling. Each scene was vividly described, each emotion clearly depicted, that I can … Read more

Writing for #romanceclassYA

I wrote a novella of 35,555 words in 90 days. Repeat 100 times.  Until now I find it hard to believe it myself. But thanks to #romanceclass YA mentors Mina Esguerra, Agay Llanera and Ines B. Yao, I was able to write and finish a novella in just three months! I’ve always been more of … Read more

Review: Better at Weddings Than You

Author: Mina V. Esguerra eBook, 214 pages Bright Girl Books 4.5 Stars “Easy reading is damn hard writing.” American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne must have Mina Esguerra in mind when he coined this phrase. Because if I were to describe my overall experience in reading her latest book, it’s none other than, “Now, that was easy reading!” … Read more