Five Best Writing Tips for a Compelling Flash Fiction

5 Best Writing Tips for a Compelling Flash Fiction

5 Best Writing Tips for a Compelling Flash Fiction Writing flash fiction can help you become a better writer, as I’ve discussed in my guest post in SWEETBooks, our writing group. But as long as we’re writing, we must strive to produce flash fiction stories that are compelling. A compelling flash fiction engages the readers … Read more

Ode to our Crownless Heroes

Ode to our crownless heroes

ODE TO OUR CROWNLESS HEROES My humble tribute to our modern heroes: the health workers, the police, the delivery people, and all such persons who risk their lives in service to humanity in these trying times. Ode to our Crownless Heroes  As the brutal legionbearing crown-like spikesrages war and chaosOur heroes fight.Their shields are scrubstheir … Read more