Day 1: #28Letters February 2019 Writing Challenge

I’ve been under the weather for the most part of January and I’m finding it hard to regain my muse. This writing challenge came at a most appropriate time. It will push me to write 100 words every day for the whole month of February 2019, and may just be the boost I need to … Read more

We Are All WIPs

WIP stands for work in progress. For writers, this means a story that is being progressively modified and improved over time. As a writer, we usually have outlines of our stories, a veritable road map of what should happen, and a clear vision of the ending. But there are times when certain characters run rampant. When the … Read more

FREE Writer’s Planner: Organizing my Writing a.k.a. Making my Own Writer’s Planner

Do you have a planner? I bet you do. Every writer should have one. Some planners nowadays, though, have become increasingly complicated. Lots of pages, lots of blanks to fill up, lots of dates to remember, and other such things. Some are even bulky and heavy to carry everywhere you go. They’re becoming harder and … Read more