Want to Improve your Writing? Try Listening to Binaural Beats

Improve Your Writing Listen to Binaural Beats

As writers, we inevitably experience writer’s blocks. Other times, we lose focus and concentration. When this happens, our writing suffers. Well, fret no more. Want to improve your writing? Try listening to binaural beats. *Disclaimer: It’s not for everyone, though. Read on to find out. I have listened to binaural beats which improve concentration, and … Read more

Five Things I Learned Writing FINDING KISMET

Writing Finding Kismet

Writing science fiction is no rocket science. It required effort and a whole lot of research.   In this post, I share the five things I learned when writing FINDING KISMET. FINDING KISMET is a Sci Fi Romance Thriller. It means that while the romance between my hero and heroine is central to the story, there … Read more

Finding Kismet is LIVE + Giveaway Winners

Books by Mayumi Cruz - Finding Kismet

FINDING KISMET is LIVE! + Giveaway Winners of $10 Amazon Gift Card each FINDING KISMET is LIVE on Amazon! FINDING KISMET, my sixth novel, is a Sci Fi Romance Thriller. Think aliens, planets, galaxies, cloning, and genetics.  SYNOPSIS: How do you find your one true love amid billions and billions of stars? A skilled alien warrior … Read more