Five Things I Learned Writing FINDING KISMET

Writing Finding Kismet

Writing science fiction is no rocket science. It required effort and a whole lot of research.   In this post, I share the five things I learned when writing FINDING KISMET. FINDING KISMET is a Sci Fi Romance Thriller. It means that while the romance between my hero and heroine is central to the story, there … Read more

First Five Star Review for Finding Kismet

First Five Star Review for Finding Kismet

FIRST FIVE STAR REVIEW FOR FINDING KISMET Just want to put it up here, to remind me it’s not a dream. Someone really loved my Sci Fi Romance Thriller! FINDING KISMET FULL BLURB: When does science end. . . and love begin? Vaelteuria is a planet in the Andromeda Galaxy which is a thousand times … Read more

Movie Review: Replicas (2018)

Get it on iTunes (This post contains affiliate links. You can find my disclosure at the end of this post.) I really wanted this movie to be good. Especially because Keanu Reeves is the lead character. I’ve been a fan since I saw him in Speed (1994) with Sandra Bullock. But unlike Matrix (which is … Read more