Want to Improve your Writing? Try Listening to Binaural Beats

Improve Your Writing Listen to Binaural Beats

As writers, we inevitably experience writer’s blocks. Other times, we lose focus and concentration. When this happens, our writing suffers. Well, fret no more. Want to improve your writing? Try listening to binaural beats. *Disclaimer: It’s not for everyone, though. Read on to find out. I have listened to binaural beats which improve concentration, and … Read more

The Science of Love

The Science of Love graphics

The Science of Love In my newest book, FINDING KISMET, I explore the science behind love.  FINDING KISMET is a Sci Fi Romance Thriller, and can best be summarized by the tagline found in its cover: How do you find your  one true love  amid billions and billions  of stars? Yes, it’s romance. Yes, it … Read more

First Drafts Don’t Always Look Like These

FK notes

First Drafts Don’t Always Look Like These I chanced upon these drafts of my upcoming Sci Fi Romance Thriller, Finding Kismet which I’d almost forgotten existed—and before you scoff, let me assure you that first drafts don’t always look like these.  They look worse. Don’t believe me? Consider the following: Source: https://bit.ly/2R0bUvn Source: https://bit.ly/2FWwTJh The first … Read more