First Drafts Don't Always Look Like These
I chanced upon these drafts of my upcoming Sci Fi Romance Thriller, Finding Kismet which I’d almost forgotten existed—and before you scoff, let me assure you that first drafts don’t always look like these.
They look worse.
Don’t believe me? Consider the following:

The first image is JK Rowling’s handwriting. Of course, she’s the one who wrote the world-famous Harry Potter series.
The second belongs to Mary Shelley. Yes, that Mary who wrote Frankenstein.
Mine came out as more of a work of art, wouldn’t you say?
It’s not entirely for reasons of frugality. These days, a proliferation of writing softwares ranging from free to hundreds of dollars flood the market, enticing writers to give them a try, good ol’ writing by hand still tops them all when making the first, or second, or umpteenth draft.
And it’s not without logic. According to this article, writing by hand has many benefits, not only for a writer but for any person who has a brain.
In a nutshell, writing by hand:
- increases memory retention
- stimulates and fully engages the brain, and
- helps keep one focused.
And these, I can affirm, are all true. While it’s easy typing on a keyboard or smartphone, not to mention, putting down more information in a flash, writing by hand activates more brain cells than typing does.
More active brain cells equate to a more creative imagination, thereby giving a writer a richer, deeper understanding, awareness and articulation of the plot, character, setting, and conflict for a story.
How about you? Do you find yourself writing your drafts or notes by hand more useful and productive as a writer?