The Space Between Us

“No matter how much I want her, Earth doesn’t want me.” I found it surprising that this movie was given a few negative reviews. I think it was because many people watched it with their minds primarily on the “romantic young love” angle. But if one were to look past the love story between the … Read more

8Letters’ Indie Publishing The Write Way Online Workshop

About the same time as the #romanceclassYA workshop, I also joined Indie Publishing The Write Way. It is an online workshop by 8Letters , an amazing boutique bookstore which curates books written by Filipino authors and sells them in cafes and events, headed by Cindy dela Cruz. I know what you must be thinking. Why join … Read more

Just Do It

Yesterday I was asked, “What is the most valuable lesson you learned in publishing?” I guess the most valuable lesson I learned in publishing is: Just do it. This is not to mean, of course, that you plunge in with eyes closed and unprepared. Of course, you publish armed with the knowledge that you have … Read more