CHROMA HEARTS is Best Published Story of the Year!

3rd Best Author of the Year

CHROMA HEARTS is BEST PUBLISHED STORY OF THE YEAR!!! CHROMA HEARTS is awarded Best Published Story of the Year and yours truly as 3rd Best Published Author of the Year. So grateful for the two awards given by the Penmasters Administration, a Philippine organization that caters to all service providers and individuals focused on the literary … Read more

Speaking before The Greatest Digital Creatives’ seminar on fiction-writing and self-publishing

Last December 15, 2018 at the YDG Coffee Shop in Shaw Blvd., a group of writers and freelancers gathered together for a free seminar on Freelancing and Self-Publishing. Cherrie Ann Balictar, the founder of The Greatest Digital Creatives, invited me to speak about self-publishing and writing fiction.  Admittedly, I was hesitant at first to accept … Read more