Goal Setting for the New Year (Part 3)

Goal Setting for the New Year (Part 3)

This is the third and last part of this series of posts.

In Part 1 and Part 2, I set the foundation for setting my goals. I like to think of them as building blocks on which I’ll anchor myself when the need arises — those times of self-doubt, indecision, fear, procrastination, writer’s block, and all other things that would make me lose sight of my goals.

I needed the foundation to make me more focused and determined to outline what I want to accomplish in another year of writing. 
And you know what? It worked! At least, for me. 
You can see it in the images I am sharing below, by the way I planned the things I will do every week of every month.
And how I should track myself to make sure I will achieve my goals. 
Which brings me to additional tools for planning.

Goal Setting using Year in a Glance and the Kanban Board

In my The Essential Author Planner, I included two Years-in-a-Glance: one in the first pages for the current year, and in the last page, for the next year to come.
Year-in-a Glance to me is a most helpful and visual way to keep oneself focused. In one look, you’d see what’s to be done in a stretch of one year.
For myself, I made a special version of Year-in-a-Glance which divided the year into three months instead of four. I also divided each month into five weeks by using lines, because, my myopic eyes need them 😊

Aside from the Year-in-a-Glance, I also made my own Kanban Board. Kanban, which originated in Japan, literally means sign (Kan) board (Ban), and was a system utilized by Toyota for many years. The KanBan Board is simple, concise and, again, clearly gives a visual summary in just one look. 

My version of KanBan Board is for a week’s track of what to do, what’s still in progress, and what has been done. 


Goal Setting: Last Words

In determining my goals, I am lucky to be guided by fellow indie writers who are now successful best-selling authors.
I’d like to quote the words of an esteemed indie author, Shawn Inmon, which he shared in our writers’ group: It’s best to set goals that you can control.
its best to set goals that you can control.
He explains that a writer cannot control how much sales he or she will make in a year. 
But, Shawn Inmon wisely says, “I can control how many words I write, how many books I publish, and how good the covers and blurbs are for those books.”
He believes that “if I meet those goals, those other things, like sales and income, will follow.”
I’m a believer now, too. 

My 2021 Goals

Okay, enough chit-chat. 
Here’s my 2021 Goals which I intend to accomplish with the use of the foundation and tools I mentioned in this series of posts about Goal Setting.

Your Turn

How about you? What are your writing goals for 2021? Or even though you’re not a writer, surely, any profession can benefit from having goals, right?
Feel free to share your 2021 Goals in the comments below!

Want to read the series of posts on GOAL SETTING? Find them here:




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