Okja: Movie Review

Okja is a great family movie

And it’s not only because Jake Gyllenhaal’s in it. 
I’ve passed Okja up many times on #Netflix but today, I decided to give it a peek. And boy, did I get a treat! The film is great. Adventure, comedy, drama with themes of animal love, capitalism, genetic manipulation.
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I was pleasantly shocked to find that Jake Gyllenhaal is Dr Johnny Wilcox in #Okja!
I didn’t recognize Jake as the quirky, shrieking, conflicted animal lover who’s also a victim of capitalistic greed.
He was so in character, you’d forget he is a famous American hunk.
Though he only has a supporting role in this movie, he made his unique mark in the part where he broke down (no spoilers – you have to watch the movie to know what I’m talking about).
Some critics have been divided in their reactions toward Jake’s acting here.
But I find it to be another feather in his cap. He successfully transformed himself to someone completely different from, well, himself, and all the roles he had. He’s quite a chameleon!
More surprises: Lily Collins and Tilda Swinton were there too. And Seo-Hyeon Anh as Mija was adorable, except for the part where she disrespected her grandpa (for good reason, the writers may argue, but still…)
It’s great to see Americans and Asians collaborate on films. Hope to see Filipinos also get meaty roles in Bong Joon-Ho’s directorial projects, who is fast becoming a favorite of many. (If you don’t know it yet, he’s also the director of Parasite which I have yet to watch).
If you want to be entertained while shedding a few tears and mulling over animal cruelty, go watch Okja with your kids.
I have just one teeny, weeny issue about it. It’s what caused me to pass it up many times. Know what it is?
Pigs should be pink. 😁

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