Guest Hosting at The Greatest Digital Creatives

Come join me and Cherrie Ann Balictar of The Greatest Digital Creatives tonight at 6:00 pm and learn how to sell books on Amazon 🙂

Let me tell you an anecdote about my Lola Flora:

Our family had always been entrepreneurial. I remember as a child, I was awed at my Lola Flora, my mother’s mother. She harvested the fruits of the santol tree in her yard, peeled them, sprinkled a dash of salt on them, then sold them by piece on a makeshift table right outside our gate. By the end of the day, they were all sold out. And she didn’t even pay for the fruits or the tiny space.

Selling books on Amazon is much like that. Take whatever you have in your possession: your stories, your blog posts, your articles. Then make them pretty, presentable, and ‘delicious’ to your buyers, and then – sell, sell, sell.

Want to know more? Sign up for the event HERE. It’s FREE!


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