Hooray! The Billionaire’s Widow was successfully launched last November 2, 2019 at The Community Trade, One Bonifacio High Street Mall in Taguig, Philippines.
The event was sponsored by the Romance Writers of the Philippines, whose President is the beautiful, talented author, Ms. Maita Rue.
I am so grateful for all the support I got and for the people who bought The Billionaire’s Widow and my other books. Thank you all!
Are you one of those who purchased my book, either digitally or in print? If you are, I would be eternally grateful if you could please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads, or even your blog if you have one. It’s really a big deal for indie authors like me because it’ll help other readers find my books.
If you haven’t gotten my book yet, it’s available on Amazon for only $2.99 and Free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers!