Get Paid on Amazon Via Payoneer

Get Paid on Amazon via Payoneer

By signing up to Payoneer through MY LINK here, you earn $25 and I earn $25. The link in this post doesn’t require you to pay any hidden fees since sign-up in Payoneer is completely FREE.   Payoneer is the best option for non-US authors to get paid on Amazon. Majority of self-published books are published … Read more

CoVid-19 and Priceless Lessons from the Spanish Flu

CoVid-19 Spanish Flu

I keep hearing about the Spanish Flu of 1918 and how it is compared to the present pandemic of 2020, the Covid-19. So I set about to educate myself. In the process, I found lessons from the Spanish flu which can beat CoVid-19. I hope that with this post, you’d be informed as well. But … Read more

My Author Toolbox

Author Toolbox

In this post, I am sharing my Author Toolbox, AKA the tools and resources I use as a writer and author. As I am an IOS user, most of these are from Apple. But many of these are Free to use or download — a must for struggling, peso-pinching writers like me.  Writing/Editing Apple Notes. Yep, … Read more