My first book launch!

Being a new author, I didn’t know what to expect at my first formal book launch. I mean, my other books, I just pressed click and voila! they were in Amazon and other book sites, as well as my social media sites. I’m not very good at speaking before people. I write better than I speak!

But I found out to my delight that I had nothing to be anxious about. It’s all because Cindy dela Cruz and her 8Letters Team were so accommodating and supportive. I felt I’ve known them for so long even though I only got to meet them last April 15, 2018 at the 8LettersLitFest. The rest of the (initial) attendees, too, were very nice. Joy of JMD Printing was there. For the second time, I saw Bentham. Geez, they’re all so young. I’m the oldest. Yikes!

IMG_2270IMG_2271IMG_2273IMG_1616IMG_1618fullsizeoutput_33dfullsizeoutput_341Regretfully, I was a “launch and run” author because I had to rush off to an important family affair after. Cindy was so understanding of my situation. She introduced my book to the early guests and proceeded to ask me questions about what Chroma Hearts was about and about my writing style. She also made me read an excerpt from my book. She made it look and feel easy on me, and I was surprised to realize it’s over rather than dreading every minute.

I’m glad there were some early buyers who requested a signed copy of the book, and more glad that even after I left, there were more buyers too, according to Cindy.

All in all, my first book launch was a great experience. Writing a book is fulfilling, but meeting kindred souls and knowing that people appreciate what you’ve accomplished is inspiring. I am now more motivated to finish editing my stories and starting new ones.

My heartfelt thanks to Cindy and her team, to my fellow authors, the attendees of the 8LettersLitFest, and of course, to my husband and three sons who went with me to support me on my first book launch. You all have made this ol’ gal very happy and very motivated to continue with my writing. ?

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