Manila International Book Fair 2020

The Manila International Book Fair goes online this year and my books are there!
Hello, hello! I have been missing in action because of NaNoWriMo, plus another very productive writing workshop, and now, this!

I decided to join the Manila International Book Fair at the last minute! Good thing there’s 8letters (Thank you, Cindy & Shieka ❤️) who accepted my books even though they’ve uploaded other authors’ books already.

Manila International Book Fair
I’m thrilled about this because MIBF is the fair of all fairs for books and bookworms, and for the past years, I didn’t join because of the location. But now that it’s online, I thought, why not? So although I had to cram — creating new covers, reviewing the manuscript, then formatting and layouting the interior — at last, I was able to come up with these babies. Don’t they look good on the MIBF website? 😊
I take special pride in RENZO’S RAINBOW because I made it BILINGUAL for this edition. Yep, it’s written in English with Filipino translation to cater to both English and Tagalog speaking kids.
If you can, please buy my books? Also the other books of my fellow indie authors. Just go to this link. You’ll have to register first, which is FREE!
If you can’t buy my books, I totally understand. Life hasn’t been easy these past few months, and we all had to scrimp to survive.
I would love you to share this post, though. Maybe your friends or other people who are more able to purchase books can see this, and find something they like. Thank you in advance!
The Manila International Book Fair 2020


The Manila International Book Fair
The Manila International Book Fair
The Manila International Book Fair
The Manila International Book Fair
The Manila International Book Fair
The Manila International Book Fair
The Manila International Book Fair
The Manila International Book Fair

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