WRITER, UNBOXED: The Upside of Being a Multigenre Writer

Writer Unboxed: The Upside of Being a Multigenre Writer

The Upside of Being a Multigenre Writer: Why Versatility Can Be a Superpower

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Jack of all trades, master of none.” It’s often used to criticize those who dabble in different skills or fields, implying that spreading yourself too thin means you’ll never truly excel at any of them.

But here’s the thing: that’s only half the saying. The full version is, “Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than master of one.”

As a multigenre writer, I’ve found that this expanded phrase perfectly captures the advantage of being versatile. Rather than being a drawback, writing across multiple genres has made me a stronger, more adaptable storyteller.

Let me count the ways:

Flexibility: The Secret Sauce of a Multigenre Writer

One of the greatest advantages of being a multigenre writer is flexibility. I can jump from writing romance to crafting a sci-fi thriller or a blog post without feeling out of place.

Each genre is like a new lens through which I can explore ideas, emotions, and narratives. This adaptability means I’m constantly sharpening my storytelling skills, no matter what I’m working on.

For example, when I write thrillers, my experience in writing romance helps me infuse emotional depth into my characters’ relationships. When I write essays or blog posts, my fiction background allows me to bring a narrative-driven approach to factual writing.

Each genre enhances the others, giving me a set of techniques I can draw from to make my stories more engaging and multidimensional.

Mastery Through Variety

Contrary to the idea that juggling multiple genres dilutes mastery, I believe it actually strengthens it.

Exploring different genres has taught me the core principles of storytelling—whether it’s pacing, character development, or plot structure. It’s like being a chef who knows how to cook in various cuisines. A broader skill set makes for more interesting and innovative dishes—or in my case, stories.

Each genre has its own set of rules and expectations, but once you understand the fundamentals of storytelling, you can start blending techniques from one genre into another.

This leads to more complex, layered work that surprises readers and keeps them hooked.

Mastery, I’ve learned, doesn’t come from limiting yourself to one style; it comes from understanding how to tell a great story, no matter the genre.

Creative Freedom and Marketability

Being a multigenre writer isn’t just creatively fulfilling—it’s also a smart business move. By writing in different genres, I can reach a wider audience and tap into multiple markets. I’m not confined to just one niche, which gives me more opportunities to publish and connect with readers across different interests.

Plus, switching between genres helps me avoid burnout. If I’m feeling stuck on a novel, I can shift gears and work on a short story or try my hand at poetry. This variety keeps me inspired and energized, preventing the creative fatigue that sometimes comes from working within a single genre for too long.

Writer Unboxed

The True Mastery: Storytelling

At the end of the day, being a multigenre writer isn’t about mastering every genre out there—it’s about mastering the art of storytelling itself.

Genres are simply tools that we use to tell stories in different ways. The key is understanding the universal elements of a good story: compelling characters, strong plots, meaningful themes. Once you have those down, you can adapt them to any genre and create richer, more engaging narratives.

That is why I believe that a multigenre writer is an unboxed writer. We are not “boxed in” in a specific genre. We are not restricted by a single genre. We explore genres and write them in our unique style.

So, the next time someone says “Jack of all trades, master of none,” I’ll remind them of the full saying: “Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than master of one.” 

Being versatile isn’t a weakness or a flaw. In fact, it can be a superpower.

For me, writing across genres has made me a better storyteller, and ultimately, that’s the skill worth mastering.

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Did you know I wrote a Dystopian Dark Fantasy Horror? 

I hope you can check it out – it might just be worth your time!

Mayumi Cruz The Inquisitor COVER


In the year 2132, there are only three hundred men left on Earth. Each of us old, diseased, damaged beyond healing. There are no women. Out of nowhere, a young, virile, perfect male arrives—the Inquisitor. He demands the truth behind the Purge which massacred females in a global scale to enforce the long-delayed justice by killing the guilty. And though it pains me to no end, I am forced to remember the horror and the lunacy of the past. . . and the part he unknowingly played in it. I am Ambrose. I am Herald.


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